Schedule for Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week: 9-14 December 2022


The line up for the face-to-face Regional Humanitarian Partnership of 2022 being held by ADRRN, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Church World Service Aisa (CWSA) and International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA). It’s taking place between 9th to 14th of December 2022. The sessions drawing on the expertise of practitioners, advocates, academics, donors and other related members and partners.

Each day of the week has a different theme which hopes to spark discussions, highlight solutions, resources, lessons learned and good practices, and collaborations that have taken place to work on some of the most pressing issues in this region. The themes are as follows:

December 9:

09:00-09:30 hrs: RHPW Kick off and Welcome

09:30-12:00 hrs: Regional Humanitarian Conference – Beyond Despair (CWSA)

13:00-17:00 hrs: CHS Revision Consultation (CWSA)

17:30-20:00 hrs: Networking Event Reception (CWSA) and Launch of the 2022 State of Humanitarian Systems Report (ALNAP)

December 10:

  1. ADRRN Annual General Assembly (Members only)
  2. ICVA Meeting (Members only)

December 11:

  1. ADRRN Annual General Assembly (Members only)
  2. ICVA NGO fora meeting (Members only)

December 12: Nexus of humanitarian, disaster risk reduction, climate change, adaptation

09:00-10:30 hrs

  1. Best practices for building resilience of Afghan communities against Disaster Risk and Climate Change (ACBAR)
  2. Greening the Humanitarian system (HAG)
10:30-12:00 hrs
  1. Gender Equality andSocial Inclusion on Anticipatory Action in Vietnam and Southeast
    Asia Region (CARE)
  2. Latest Innovations in the Humanitarian Sector in South East Asia – Challenges and Strategy for Scaling up, Replication, and Sustainability (MPBI)
  3. Measuring Protection-focused DRR Interventions: Methods and Options (IRC)
13:00-14:30 hrs
  1. Quality and accuracy of data on losses and damages from climate extremes (MERGE Data Initiative)
  2. Impact of Climate Change and its Implications for Pakistan (PHF)
  3. ENRICH-Community Lead Resilience Program in Coastal Bangladesh (Dwip Unnayan Songstha)
14:30-16:00 hrs
  1. Promoting Community Based Seismic Retrofitting for Low-Cost Houses: Collaboration Modalities, Approaches and Ways-forward (NSET/CDP)
  2. Why aren’t communities and their leaders in the driving seat when it comes to disaster resilience? Emerging Lessons from the Pandemic (SIAP SIAGA)
  3. Perspectives on Solutions to Disaster Displacement in Asia-Pacific (DDSN)
16:00-17:30 hrs
  1. Preparing for risks from the mountain hazard chain: the benefits (and limits) of a collaborative partnership (SAJAG Nepal)
  2. Moving toward Resilience: How can operational responses and policy development better safeguard the rights of communities facing climate displacement risks? (CMDP)
  3. Good governance is a prerequisite to building resilience (PATTAN)

18:00-20:30 hrs: Networking Event: Together we can build a safer sector – Meet the Safeguarding Resource
and Support hub (RSH)

December 13: Operating in fragile and conflict context and accountability to affected population

09:00-10:30 hrs

  1. Humanitarian Negotiation in Practice (CCHN)
  2. The Youth’s Voice in Peace building (Plan)
  3. Reimagining Humanitarian Innovation through Postcolonial Thinking (HIF/ELRHA)
10:30-12:00 hrs
  1. Strengthening The Evidence on DRR’s approach to Improve the Inclusion of the Nexus (WorldVision)
  2. Five Years in Rohingya Crisis, How Partnerships Work in Bangladesh? (NGO Platform Cox’s Bazar)
  3. Translating localisation commitments into action at regional and country levels: Agency & interagency innovations (C4C)
13:00-14:30 hrs
  1. The Global Refugee Forum
  2. Safeguarding to be accountable in humanitarian context (RSH)
  3. Equal and sustainable partnership (Rakhine case study) (People in Need)
14:30-16:00 hrs
  1. Interogating ASEAN Humanitarian CSOs Engagement: The Regional Rising of Local and National Actors (IDHA)
  2. Developing Effective Partnership Networks for the Movement of Humanitarian Goods and Responders in the Wake of Crises (AirLink)
16:00-17:30 hrs
  1. Humanitarian Access in Asia-Pacific (OCHA ROAP)
  2. Contribution and Engagement of partners in the evolution of Education in Rohingya Response Program in Cox’s bazar (UNICEF)
  3. South Asia Regional learning Exchange (Sphere India)

December 14: What makes a partnership effective?

09:00-10:30 hrs

  1. Grand Bargain 2.0 explained (ICVANEAR, A4EP)
  2. Building ecosystem for community resilience – Reflection of CLIP work through the lens of Collective Impact 3.0 (ATIH)
  3. Hands on workshop for mapping during emergencies for enhanced coordination (MapAction)
10:30-12:00 hrs
  1. Government NGO Private Sector Partnerships (Sphere India)
  2. Building effective research partnerships to elevate local voices and expertise (HAG)
  3. Approach and localisation partnership (ADRA/ChildFund)
12:00 hrs 
Plenary wrap up and closing

Contact for any clarification or queries:
ADRRN: Takeshi Komino,;
CWSA: Palwashay,;
ICVA: Asma Saleem,;
OCHA: Silke Banuelos-Kuang,; Daniel Gilman,

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