Guardians of the Planet: Children and Youth Voices on Climate Crisis and DRR


Description: The Children and Youth Network in Asia Pacific (Plan International, World Vision International, Save the Children, UNMGCY, APCSS and UNICEF) had launched the Children and Youth Consultation report that we did in Asia Pacific countries title “Guardians of the Planet” ( as preparation for the upcoming  APMCDRR.

Nearly 10,000 children and youth from over 21 countries gave voice on their concerns, emphasized their role and gave recommendations to what stakeholders could do. They recognised the need to strengthen policies and plans to mitigate disaster risks and promote resilience in inclusive approaches.

In this webinar, apart from presenting the key findings of the consultation, children and youth delegations would also be given a structural platform to share their experience participating in DRR work, as well have direct dialogue with representatives of government, UN and INGOs on actions to be taken. Learning and challenges on planning and implementing child-focused DRR work will also be shared and discussed in the webinar.

Date/time: December 17th 2020, 13:00-14:30 BKK time

Registration: Not required, please join with below link:

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