ADRRN Communique on 
Climate Change Impact, Local Action, and Innovation


Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) members and partners, who have taken active role in formulating and implementing the Sendai Framework for DRR and WHS Agenda for Humanity, recognize increasing expectation from international society to take the lead in enhancing ‘adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change,’ stated in the Paris Agreement Article 7.
ADRRN’s 2018 Regional Innovation Forum-Asia discussed this issue more actively, with a strong sense of commitment by ADRRN and its members towards implementation of further local actions, which include:
1. Integrating local evidence into scientific research
2. Enhancing comprehendible risk communication
3. Understanding and creating awareness on cascading impact
4. Reflecting community voice on policy making process
5. Promoting innovation
6. More collaboration with private sector

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