MERCY Malaysia – 4Mi Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative 2020


In 2020, MERCY Malaysia partnered with the Mixed Migration Centre Asia to implement a data collection research project focusing on looking at trends / movement / migrant journeys of Rohingyan refugees and Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia – namely, in the states of Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley and Johor.
The surveys explore multiple aspects of a refugee/migrants’ journey, looking at access to healthcare, economic status, xenophobia faced, final destinations/settlement country and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their journeys.
7 monitors from the aforementioned groups were recruited to conduct surveys through their existing networks and communities – the data was then analysed by MMC and used to produce monthly snapshots and a final case study on Kuala Lumpur; the goal is to better inform and influence policy-makers, NGOs, CSOs and other relevant stakeholders on policies and initiatives pertaining to refugees and migrant workers in the country.
The final report (case study on Kuala Lumpur) available both in English and Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) can be accessed through these links:

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