The Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) was officially launched on 7 September 1980 at the 2nd Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting (CHOGRM) in New Delhi, India, aims at providing technical assistance to participating countries. The programme consolidates various forms of technical cooperation in areas where Malaysia has the experience and the expertise. Annually, MTCP collaborates with its leading Training Institutions to conduct capacity building programmes in various key areas of development. Since its inception in 1980, more than 33,000 participants from 144 recipient countries have benefited from the various programmes offered under MTCP.
The objectives of MTCP are:
1. To share development experience with other countries
2. To strengthen bilateral relations between Malaysia and other developing countries
3. To promote South-South Cooperation (SSC)
4. To promote technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC)
Course objectives:
1. To understand the principles of humanitarian actions
2. To encourage coordinated approach to disaster response
3. To enhance capacity and efficiency of humanitarian workers
4. To develop and nurture the holistic concept of Total Disaster Risk Management (TDRM)
5. To familiarize participants to tools and cross-cutting issues in disaster response and disaster risk reduction
Course contents:
PART 1 – Total Disaster Risk Management
1. Essentials for Humanitarian Practice
2. Total Disaster Risk Management
PART 2 – Emergency Response, Recovery/ Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
1. Assessment
2. Response
PART 3 – Prevention and Mitigation/ Preparedness, and Community Based Approaches in Disaster Risk Management
1. Climate Change Adaption (CCA) and Sustainable Development
2. Resilient City and Disaster Risk Reduction
Who should join this training?
A combination of individuals from governments, non-government organizations and civil societies who are involved either directly or indirectly in disaster management locally or internationally. A balanced combination from all sectors are needed to create a balance in understanding and appreciating roles and responsibilities of each actor in disaster management and to promote effective coordination between individuals of different backgrounds.
Application procedures:
1. Applicant has to fill in the MTCP application form (can be obtained from or from the Embassy/ High Commission of Malaysia in your country;
2. Applicant has to submit the complete application form to the MTCP focal point/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in their respective countries for endorsement and approval;
3. The MFA of applicant’s country then will submit the form and relevant documents to the Embassy / High Commission of Malaysia in the country, for untoward submission to the MTCP Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia;
4. A Selection Meeting will be held between the MTCP Secretariat and the Training Institute to review all the applications received for the MTCP course and if the application is successful, an invitation letter will then be sent to the selected candidate.
Application deadline is by 28 June 2019 and for any enquiries, kindly contact Ms. Siti Zaleha ( or Mr. Said Alhudzari (
Download MTCP 2019 training brochure here.